Now that you have made the switch, what are the things to expect from this process? There aren’t a lot of them. all of them are only related to billing and the amount to be paid. Because this was the reason you made the switch, your mission was successful. So what happens after switching to an open electricity market retailers singapore.
Before Switch
If you have not made the switch, then the SP groups will be giving the entire bill to you. They manage all the utilities in the country and you will be getting an overall bill for all the utilities you have consumed through the month. You pay the fixed-rate price according to your consumption as well.
After Switch
But if you have made the switch, then you will have two bills being generated. Your electricity bill will be generated by the open electricity market retailer Singapore that you have switched to. You will be paying according to their tariff price. And you will have a second bill for all the non-electricity utilities you have consumed. The second bill is still generated by SP groups themselves.
Price Comparison
Assuming you have the same average power consumption per month, compare the two bills. Look according to which you are paying lesser than the other. Mostly it will be the retailer you have switched to. But if you see it otherwise, then make sure to have an electricity meter at home to get the accurate difference.