Even though marijuana was once a misunderstood drug, it’s becoming a necessity in many people’s lives. It offers tons of benefits, some medical, which is why it’s available for recreational and medical users. Unfortunately, even though the FDA already approved the use of marijuana, the bitter truth is that workplaces are still doing compulsory drug tests, which can result in termination for marijuana users, even those who use it for medicinal purposes. So if you’re about to do a drug test soon, you should look for the best THC detox way.
There are tons of ways you can try to detoxify your body and get rid of THC. First, of course, you may try detox drinks, detox pills, and so much more. But if you prefer the natural way of flushing THC from your system, here are some tricks that you might like.
Try Drinking Lemon Juice & Water
One of the most common home remedies most marijuana users use is lemon juice and water mixed together. Lemon juice is also known as a general detox drink because lemons and limes are known for their antioxidant properties to remove toxins from your body. Aside from that, lemon juice contains tons of vitamins that can flush THC from your body in small amounts. For example, you can mix one tablespoon of lemon juice in 500ml of water and sip it multiple times over a few hours. For best results, drink this seven to eight times in the days leading up to your drug test.
If you’re about to do the drug test, drink lots of water an hour before. It will help your pee look clean without any trace of cannabis in it.
Cranberry Juice
Another juice that marijuana users commonly recommend is cranberry juice. Unfortunately, no research can prove that cranberry juice works as an excellent THC detoxifier, but it has tons of success based on observation. Plus, it’s a delicious choice too! So before your drug test, about 24 hours before, you should have two litres of cranberry juice ready because you’ll be drinking it within the day. You should split it into two glasses out of eight every few hours, and it will cause you to urinate often. It will flush the THC compounds from your system through your urine.