
The best initiative with the pioneer leaders


Bashir Dawood&Mariyam Dawood came up to be the Preeminent philanthropists who brought many revolutionary changes in Pakistan in order to bring a lot of reforms with the conventional pattern of the country.


How could they benefit society?

They together had funded the SDSB which was totally backed up by the “Visiting Committee” of academics as well as the administrators from across the world. There are also representatives who belong to the esteemed global institutions like Cambridge, Stanford, McGill as well as the Asian Institute of Management. They could totally doc is and bring out the mission of preaching the Relevant Programmes, which later took the form of the Accessible Education

How is the institution flourishing?

The two Preeminent philanthropists not only brought reforms in terms of the health institutions, and education, their love and support could really bring many changes. It has become a real place which could be a pioneer in providing education ideal for the business world. There are also courses like the Full time as well as weekend MBA, PhD courses, bachelor degree in majors like the Accounting and Finance, as well as the Management Science.


There are also plenty of advancements brought about with the Short programmes being planned for the executives. Bashir Dawood & MariyamDawood have proved to be the best with their ongoing support which can comprise of not only SDSB but also many such educational endeavours in Pakistan That has experienced significant growth with time.

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